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Music In Our Schools Month

March is Music In Our Schools Month (MIOSM) is an annual event in the United States that celebrates the importance of music education in schools. MIOSM is honored every March and is a way to advocate for quality music education programs in schools as well as raise awareness to the multitude of benefits from music education. This campaign is spearheaded by the National Association for Music Education (NAfME). NAfME encourages teachers, students, and music enthusiasts to actively participate in the celebration by engaging in creative activities and advocating for music education.

This month, we are honoring Music In Our Schools Month. Music education is a cornerstone in the holistic development of individuals, particularly children, teens, and young adults. Beyond its aesthetic appeal, music education provides a myriad of cognitive, emotional, and social benefits that contribute significantly to academic success and personal growth. In this month’s blog, we will explore why music education is crucial in the lives of young learners and provide insightful statistics highlighting its positive impact on academic performance. We also provided some interesting statistics about the impact of music education on young learners.

Cognitive Development

Benefit: Music education has a profound impact on cognitive development, enhancing skills such as memory, attention, and problem-solving.

Children engaged in music education often show improved cognitive abilities compared to those without musical exposure. Learning to read music and play an instrument requires the brain to interpret symbols and execute complex motor tasks, fostering cognitive skills essential for academic success.

Statistics: A study conducted by the University of Kansas found that students in schools with superior music education programs scored around 22% higher in English and 20% higher in math on standardized tests compared to schools with low-quality music programs.

Academic Achievement

Benefit: Music education is linked to higher academic achievement and improved grades.

Students involved in music programs tend to excel academically. According to the National Association for Music Education (NAfME), students involved in music consistently outperform their non-musical peers on standardized tests and exhibit higher levels of achievement in other academic areas.

Statistics: A comprehensive analysis of multiple studies conducted by the Arts Education Partnership revealed that music education is positively correlated with higher scores in standardized tests, demonstrating a significant academic advantage for students involved in music programs.

Social & Emotional Development 

Benefit: Music education nurtures social skills, emotional intelligence, and encourages a sense of belonging.

Participating in music ensembles or group lessons fosters collaboration, teamwork, and communication. Additionally, the emotional expression inherent in music allows students to explore and understand their emotions, promoting emotional intelligence.

Statistics: The National Endowment for the Arts reported that young people who participate in the arts, including music, are more likely to engage in community service, and are less likely to engage in delinquent behavior.

Discipline and Time Management

Benefit: Learning an instrument or participating in a choir instills discipline and time management skills.

Mastering a musical instrument requires consistent practice and dedication. The discipline cultivated through music education often translates into better time management skills, a quality that is invaluable in academic pursuits and life beyond school.

Statistics: According to a longitudinal study conducted by the National Center for Education Statistics, students who reported consistent involvement in music activities scored higher in assessments related to time management and goal-setting.

Inclusivity and Diversity

Benefit: Music education promotes inclusivity and diversity, fostering an appreciation for different cultures and perspectives.

Music is a universal language that transcends cultural boundaries. Exposure to diverse musical genres and traditions in education promotes cultural awareness and tolerance, contributing to the development of well-rounded, empathetic individuals.

Statistics: Schools with robust music education programs often report increased diversity and inclusivity in student populations, as highlighted by a study published in the Journal of Research in Music Education.

In conclusion, music education is not just an extracurricular activity; it is a powerful tool for nurturing well-rounded individuals with enhanced cognitive abilities, improved academic performance, and strong social and emotional intelligence. The statistics overwhelmingly support the positive impact of music education on the lives of kids, teens, and young adults. As we advocate for comprehensive education, let us recognize and celebrate the indispensable role that music plays in shaping the minds and hearts of the next generation.

Learn more about NAfME here:

Learn more about the history of MIOSM here:

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